Update: At the conclusion of the "on-air" portion of CARE 2011 we have received $135, 359 in faith-promise support. That also means 2,707 Bibles will be sent to the persecuted church!
We are very blessed to have you as a ministry friend and partner in this wonderful outreach!
Our spring Care-a-thon fundraiser runs April 27 – 29. The theme for this year comes from Romans 8:31; “If God be for us…” Our focus is on how the Lord is changing lives through the power of His Word. The promise that God’s Word “does not return void” is true and we can’t wait to share how the Bible preaching and teaching ministry of Toccoa Falls Radio is impacting listeners just like you.
The goal is $200,000 in listener support towards our annual budget of $558,000.We invite you to be in prayer for the Care-a-thon seeking how He would have you participate through giving to the operational needs during our Spring fundraiser.
I’m truly excited about our partnership with Bible League International. Their ministry is actively involved in getting Bibles to the persecuted church around the world. Scott Thunder, host of Word and Worship Weekly, will join us during Care-a-thon with news of how, together, we can get God’s precious Word into the hands of those who need it most. WRAF will be giving a tithe of funds raised during this time to this much needed project.
Join us for these three wonderful days of praising God and discovering how He is at work through WRAF and Bible League International. If you are not already a monthly giver, let me encourage you to consider that option. Monthly gifts are the life-blood of what we do and our goal is to see many friends help out in this vital way. Click here to set up a recurring gift on the day of the month that works best for you.
Care-a-thon FAQ
What is Care-a-thon?
Care-a-thon is our bi-annual fundraiser that sets the pace for our yearly budget. Twice a year we set aside time to ask you to be a part of the story providing hope and encouragement over Toccoa Falls Radio and reaching people for Jesus.
How is my contribution used?
Your contribution is chiefly to impact lives and families across the listening areas through Christ-centered music and Biblical preaching and teaching. It literally keeps the stations of Toccoa Falls Radio on the air day and night and goes toward electricity, equipment, maintenance, phone lines, bandwidth, towers, transmitters, translators, antennas, music licensing, legal fees, salaries and more.
Is my contribution tax-deductable?
Yes, WRAF is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Do you really need my contribution?
Yes, because we are a non-commercial station, we depend on your contribution.
How much do you need?
Our goal for our Spring Care-a-thon is $200,000, out of our annual budget need of $558,000 for 2011.
How can I give?
You can give a one-time gift or set up a monthly gift through your credit/debit card or bank account. Donate safely and securely here, or you can call 1-800-251-8326.
What’s a faith-promise?
A faith-promise is the intention to give a gift to WRAF and having faith that the Lord will provide for you to fulfill your promise within the next year.
What’s a Daysponsor?
Day sponsors make a significant portion of a broadcast day possible. When you become a Daysponsor, you’re able to pick a date (assuming that day is still available) for your sponsorship announcement to air and you get to pick what the message says. You get to share special thoughts and commemorate your special event with our entire listening family! Plus, you’re helping to change lives through Christian radio -- WRAF with your gift!
If you are compelled to see lives changed through the power of God’s Word, please consider making a faith-promise of support during Care-a-thon 2011!