Congratulations to Pastor Jason Watts and the entire congregation!

Carrie nominated the church and says, "Pastor Watts has a deep desire to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Biblical truths rather than traditions of men to everyone in Macon County and the surrounding counties and GA. This year we have hand delivered 5,000 flyers inviting the community to Church. Pastor Watt's has started a van ministry we go and pick up any student that would like to come from the Local Job Corp. This year alone we have had several repent and get baptized from the Job Corp. When the students graduate from the Job Corp they go back to their home town and they will be taking all the biblical truths they learned at Truth Family Worship with them. So the seed is being planted here in Franklin but will be spread all over the Country. Praise the Lord! God's word is on the move. The Church does outreach to the community we collect new baby supplies and give to the local pregnancy center in Franklin. Pastor Watt's takes our youth to state youth revivals where they get to experience God's Truth with youth from all over. Just recently the Pastor has challenged all members to invite someone over for dinner and do a bible study with them. The bible study he compiled and put together that show's God's Truth and what God wants for us with scripture from the King James Bible. Pasotr Watt's is in the process of getting in to the local detention center to Preach God's Truth to prisoners. Pastor Watt's lives what he preaches; he believes in living Holy and putting God before anything this world can offer. He truely is an annoited man of God!"
You can learn more about Truth Family Worship Center by visiting their website at http://www.truthworship.com/
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