It is a privilege to have Ralph and Carole Prescott sponsor our programming on WRAF. They do so in memory of their beloved son, Donnie Prescott. Donnie entered the presence of his Lord Jesus Christ on March 4, 1986.
Today the Prescott's also honor each other in celebration of their wedding anniversary.
Happy Anniversary from your friends at Toccoa Falls Radio.
Selasa, 28 April 2009
Road Home Show Notes - April 28, 2009

House Set to Vote on Bad Hate Crimes Bill - CALL Your Congressman: Ask for a NO Vote on H.R. 1913! Read more >>>
Antenna Update...Praise the Lord!
We just received some very good news regarding the installation of the new WRAF broadcast antenna! The Lord has allowed things to move much more quickly than originally planned!
Marty Lee, our station's Chief Engineer, found out yesterday that the antenna is scheduled to be shipped around Monday (May 4th) and be delivered either by the end of the week or early the week after. That's about 3 weeks ahead of schedule!
Today we found out that the installation crew has agreed to help us out and begin work on the antenna ahead of schedule. As of now, they plan to begin the installation on Thursday, May 14th. Installation will take around 7 days as they tear down the old antenna and put up the new one.
This is wonderful news and couldn't have happened without the Lord's help and YOUR financial donations! Thank you!!
Continue to pray for us as we work out all the details. Pray for wisdom for everyone involved, that the antenna arrive safely on the truck, and for the safety of the installation crew.
And again...thank you!
Marty Lee, our station's Chief Engineer, found out yesterday that the antenna is scheduled to be shipped around Monday (May 4th) and be delivered either by the end of the week or early the week after. That's about 3 weeks ahead of schedule!
Today we found out that the installation crew has agreed to help us out and begin work on the antenna ahead of schedule. As of now, they plan to begin the installation on Thursday, May 14th. Installation will take around 7 days as they tear down the old antenna and put up the new one.
This is wonderful news and couldn't have happened without the Lord's help and YOUR financial donations! Thank you!!
Continue to pray for us as we work out all the details. Pray for wisdom for everyone involved, that the antenna arrive safely on the truck, and for the safety of the installation crew.
And again...thank you!
Senin, 27 April 2009
WRAF Church of the Week - April 27, 2009

Unity Baptist Church in Starr, SC is the newest WRAF Church of the Week.
Congratulations to Pastor Lloyd Robison and the entire congregation!
Congratulations to Pastor Lloyd Robison and the entire congregation!
Scott nominated the church and says, "Our church is a Beacon of Light in the surrounding Community for the Lord. Our Pastor, Lloyd Robison is a True man of God who has Genuine Love and Concern for each member of Church and the surrounding Community. We have been on Foreign and Local Mission Trips and have another planned for next year. We are now preparing for our Vacation Bible School which is only a few weeks away. The members of our church work so well together for the Lord. My entire family (6 of us) was Baptised there on the same day. Each one of us, at some point, have been in front of the congregation sharing what the Lord has done in our lives. Unity is a wonderful place to worship and I am Thankful that the Lord planted my family and I there!"

You can learn more about Unity Baptist Church by visiting their website:
Rabu, 22 April 2009
Selasa, 21 April 2009
Care-a-thon Update
Thanks to Joel in Cannon, Wayne from Royston, George in Central, and Cathy from Simpsonville we now have received $41,055 in faith-promise support.
If you desire to make a contribution with your debit/credit card use this link.
If you desire to make a contribution with your debit/credit card use this link.
John Hull & Tom Atema on WRAF
On Wednesday, April 22, 2009, EQUIP President/CEO John Hull will join Mike on the morning show to talk about our strategic partnership to train Christian leaders in the Middle East. EQUIP Vice President, Tom Atema, will also be with us to provide a first-hand account of what God is doing in this important area of the world.
To hear the interview between 6AM and 9AM tune in right here.
Then at 10 AM John will be speaking in chapel for Toccoa Falls students and Professors on the subject of leadership. You are also invited to attend.
To hear the interview between 6AM and 9AM tune in right here.
Then at 10 AM John will be speaking in chapel for Toccoa Falls students and Professors on the subject of leadership. You are also invited to attend.
Senin, 20 April 2009
Care-a-thon 2009 Fast Facts

Our Theme is "Equipping YOU, Equipping Your FAMILY, Equipping Your WORLD!"
10 % of received faith-promises will be used to train Christian leaders in the Middle East through a strategic partnership with EQUIP International Ministries.
10 % of received faith-promises will be used to train Christian leaders in the Middle East through a strategic partnership with EQUIP International Ministries.

EQUIP is developing Christians worldwide with the skills needed to provide leadership to their communities, workplaces, and churches, to ultimately fulfill the Great Commission. EQUIP is on a strategic course to be in every country by 2012. If you would like to be a part of this strategic international outreach, make a faith-promise during Care-a-thon 2009 by calling 800-251-8326 and we will donate 10% to train Christian leaders in the Middle East.
Donations will be used in strengthening the leadership development component of Heart for Lebanon. This will help H4L further launch its training in Iraq. It will help make it possible for a Jordanian AT to travel to Iraqi and lead EQUIP conferences for Iraqi Church and para-church leaders from Baghdad and other cities. Depending on the security in that country, the training might take place in Baghdad or moved to the north. If held in the north, this means many pastors will need to travel a dangerous 10 to 15 hours road trip and will need to be accommodated for in hotels for the duration of the conference. Also donations will be used to print and translate EQUIP resources to be used in the training in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Dubai.
$46,500 per month in support … that’s $558,000 annually
Phone # 800.251.8326 or 800.251. T- E – A – M (Call and join our support team).
Fax # 706.282.6090 Listener Testimony Line 800.948.5759
Online: – Updates will be posted on our blog
Faith-promises and credit/debit card contributions can be made safely and securely on our web site.
Mailing address: PO BOX 780 – Toccoa Falls, GA – 30598
Everyone who makes a faith-promise will receive a “Thank-You” gift from one of our ministry partners.
Cost of Daysponsorships is $1,000
We will interupt our regular programming for an all day Care-a-thon broadcast on Wednesday, April 22, Thursday, April 30, and on our final day, Friday May 8.
Donations will be used in strengthening the leadership development component of Heart for Lebanon. This will help H4L further launch its training in Iraq. It will help make it possible for a Jordanian AT to travel to Iraqi and lead EQUIP conferences for Iraqi Church and para-church leaders from Baghdad and other cities. Depending on the security in that country, the training might take place in Baghdad or moved to the north. If held in the north, this means many pastors will need to travel a dangerous 10 to 15 hours road trip and will need to be accommodated for in hotels for the duration of the conference. Also donations will be used to print and translate EQUIP resources to be used in the training in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Dubai.
$46,500 per month in support … that’s $558,000 annually
Phone # 800.251.8326 or 800.251. T- E – A – M (Call and join our support team).
Fax # 706.282.6090 Listener Testimony Line 800.948.5759
Online: – Updates will be posted on our blog
Faith-promises and credit/debit card contributions can be made safely and securely on our web site.
Mailing address: PO BOX 780 – Toccoa Falls, GA – 30598
Everyone who makes a faith-promise will receive a “Thank-You” gift from one of our ministry partners.
Cost of Daysponsorships is $1,000
We will interupt our regular programming for an all day Care-a-thon broadcast on Wednesday, April 22, Thursday, April 30, and on our final day, Friday May 8.
WRAF Church of the Week - April 20

Congratulations to Pastor James Holmes and the entire congregation!
Gail nominated the church and says, "When my two sons and I moved into the area two years ago, we started looking for a home church. The second we walked into Helen First Baptist, we knew we found our church. God is alive and well in this church. The presence of the Holy Spirit is so evident that sometimes it takes over the service to the point that people, including the pastor, are in tears of joy! The church also walks the talk. They have helped my family finish some remodeling I started, and they are always looking at how to help in the community. My boys were raised in foster care and have not had good role models. The men in HFB take them under their wings and do "man" things with them. But what amazes me is that our pastor committed to take the boys after school every first and third Thurssday of the month. He takes them out to eat, then miniature golfing, movies, etc. My boys have never felt so special because, "Pastor Jim picked us out of all the other kids!" HFB is truly my family in Christ."
You can learn more about Helen First Baptist Church by visiting their website:
Minggu, 19 April 2009
Taste Of Toccoa
See an excerpt from an interview between Kathy Nicholson and Sharon Crosby.
As heard on Sunday April 19, 2009 on WRAF about the upcoming Taste of Toccoa to be held on Thursday April 23 in Toccoa, GA.
As heard on Sunday April 19, 2009 on WRAF about the upcoming Taste of Toccoa to be held on Thursday April 23 in Toccoa, GA.
7 Tips for Beating Clutter Forever

The January 2009 issue of Better Homes and Gardens had an article titled "7 Tips for Beating Clutter Forever" by Donna Smallin. Here are the ones I mentioned on the Sunday 19, 2009 WRAF Broadcast.
Tip 1: Start with the easy stuff. Go through your home room by room in search of trash. Grab a recycling bine and toss outdated coupons, flyers, calendars, old newspapers, magazines, and catalogs. Shred paid utility bills and other statements not needed for tax purposes. Fill bags or boxes with clothing and linens and donate.
Tip 2: Set small goals. say to yourself: Today I'm going to clean out my junk drawer and then I'm going to stop. Or set a timer for 15 minutes and go to it. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish in these mini decluttering sessions. Seeing each project through gives you confidence for the next one.
Tip 3: Give everything a home. A big reason why clutter accumulates is because items are homeless. A good home for a frequently used item is one that makes it easy to retrieve and return. Oven mitts for example, are ideally stored in a waist-height drawer near the stove, but the best home for a roasting pan might be in the garage, freeing up cabinet space for more regularly used items.
Tip 4: Give yourself permission to let go. If you had only 10 minutes to evacuate your home, what would you grab? Make a decision to surround yourself with only beloved and useful objects and let go of the rest. Have a garage sale, donate or post items on, an online exchange.
Tip 5: Deal with clutter hot spots. You can't hide all clutter, but you can contain it. Look at where it collects and set up attractive ways to deal with it, like a large bowl on the kitchen counter to collect keys, or a big basket by the door for shoes. Discount stores and office supply houses have everything from patterned folders for storing bills to wicker, fabric, and leather boxes to match our decor.
Tip 6: Declutter daily. It's easier to keep up than to catch up, so eastablish a daily routine. Grab a a laundry basket and make the rounds, tossing in anything to be put away. Also purge periodically. As you sort through off-season clothing, get rid of what you didn't wear. Clean out filing cabinets at year's end.
Tipe 7 Be a good gatekeeper: Think twice before you bring home something new. Ask yourself, Do I really need this? Where will I pute It Becoming a more conscious consumer goes a long way toward cutting clutter. Also cancel unwanted catalogs and switch to online bill-paying.
Rabu, 15 April 2009
Care-a-thon 2009 Newsletter
We want to thank all of the volunteers who are at the radio station today collating our Care-a-thon 2009 newsletter. If you would like a .pdf copy you can view it or download it here.
Remember to pray for us and please consider supporting WRAF with a faith-promise during Care-a-thon.
Senin, 13 April 2009
WRAF Church of the Week - April 13, 2009
Franklin Springs PH Church in Franklin Springs, GA, is the newest WRAF Church of the Week.
Congratulations to Pastor Harrison Lampley and the entire congregation!
Lisa nominated the church and says, "Our church reaches out. We are a missions church, and while we support many going to other countries, our pastor focuses on making the mission field our community, and any one we run across in our daily lives. We are a youth oriented church, with a lot going on from the smallest to the teens and college students. The youth are our hope, and WOW, do we ever have a great service for them every other Sunday night at 5:50. It is a powerful contemporary service that leaves you feeling energized and awed by God's presence!"
Want to find out more? Contact Franklin Springs PH Church at 706-245-4431.
Click here to nominate your church to be the next WRAF Church of the Week!
Congratulations to Pastor Harrison Lampley and the entire congregation!
Lisa nominated the church and says, "Our church reaches out. We are a missions church, and while we support many going to other countries, our pastor focuses on making the mission field our community, and any one we run across in our daily lives. We are a youth oriented church, with a lot going on from the smallest to the teens and college students. The youth are our hope, and WOW, do we ever have a great service for them every other Sunday night at 5:50. It is a powerful contemporary service that leaves you feeling energized and awed by God's presence!"
Want to find out more? Contact Franklin Springs PH Church at 706-245-4431.
Click here to nominate your church to be the next WRAF Church of the Week!
Minggu, 12 April 2009
Post Easter Awesom Egg Salad

As mentioned by Kathy Nicholson of Southern Hospitality
Post Easter Egg Salad
4 or 5 chopped hard boiled eggs
one tsp. or more mustard of your choice
chopped celery to taste, try 1/4-1/2 cup
mayonaise to taste and consistency
salt, fresh ground pepper to taste
finely chopped onion, to taste, try 1/4 cup
1/4 cup chopped green olives with pimento
Mix it up, chill.
Taste of Toccoa

Kathy Nicholson of Southern Hospitality to judge Taste of Toccoa again this year!
18th Annual "A Taste of Toccoa"
Downtown Toccoa
April 24, 2008; 5 - 8 PM
"A Taste of Toccoa" is an annual tradition for the city held in Downtown Toccoa and draws approximately 8,000 visitors each year. It features a wide assortment of foods from local restaurants, great entertainment and a variety of exhibits and activities. Sample foods from the many resteraunts and caterers. The food options are too numerous to list, the selection ranges from ethnic, to gourmet, to southern country to soul food.
At any given time, the entertainment will be drawing crowds at one of the two stages (musical artists will be listed here soon). Explore the many specialty shops located downtown. Youth and children's activities will also be included in the day's list of fun things to do!
Directions to event: Take a relaxing ride through the Northeast Georgia mountains. Click here for directions to Downtown Toccoa.
You won't want to miss this once a year opportunity for food, fun and entertainment in downtown Toccoa!
Please call 706-282-3269 or email for more information.
Jumat, 10 April 2009
Care-a-thon 2009 Begins Monday, April 20

Here's the link if you would like to go ahead and make your Faith-Promise.
To go ahead and contribute with a credit/debit card click here.
Kamis, 09 April 2009
Antenna Update
Late Wednesday night we noticed that our power suddenly dropped and other indicators pointed to our old antenna “giving up the ghost” as they say in these parts. We were afraid this might happen.
Over the last week or so we have been contacted by a number of emergency management agencies such as local police and rescue squads and even several hospitals which were experiencing technical difficulties with their communications systems. These problems were traced back to improper rf (radio frequency) emissions from our location.
Knowing that we could not continue broadcasting in a way that would compromise anyone’s ability to conduct vital life-saving services, we contacted the manufacturer of the new antenna and they graciously agreed to send us a low-power backup antenna for us to use till the new one is completed.
Fortunately, this replacement antenna arrived on Wednesday and we were able to rig it on the tower Thursday, which is why we were off the air for several hours.
Do me a favor and call us at 800-251-8326 and let us know where you begin to lose the signal for 90.9 FM. When you are travelling around and the station fades out, take note of where you are -- then call WRAF at 800-251-8326. This will help us determine how far we are currently reaching.
Over the last week or so we have been contacted by a number of emergency management agencies such as local police and rescue squads and even several hospitals which were experiencing technical difficulties with their communications systems. These problems were traced back to improper rf (radio frequency) emissions from our location.
Knowing that we could not continue broadcasting in a way that would compromise anyone’s ability to conduct vital life-saving services, we contacted the manufacturer of the new antenna and they graciously agreed to send us a low-power backup antenna for us to use till the new one is completed.
Fortunately, this replacement antenna arrived on Wednesday and we were able to rig it on the tower Thursday, which is why we were off the air for several hours.
Do me a favor and call us at 800-251-8326 and let us know where you begin to lose the signal for 90.9 FM. When you are travelling around and the station fades out, take note of where you are -- then call WRAF at 800-251-8326. This will help us determine how far we are currently reaching.

How to improve your car's radio reception
I have some good news to pass along to you. The antenna manufacturer tells us there is a great chance they will have the antenna to us well ahead of the June 1st date originally given. Continue praying for Toccoa Falls Radio and know we are grateful to all of who have helped us in this project.
Listen To WRAF Online
Here's the backup link to listen to WRAF while we are off the air today.
Senin, 06 April 2009
WRAF Church of the Week - April 5, 2009

You can learn more about Bible Baptist Church by visiting their website.
Kamis, 02 April 2009
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