Grove Level Baptist in Maysville, Georgia is the newest WRAF Church of the Week.
Congratulations to Pastor Jeff Appling and the entire congregation!
Sheila nominated the church and says, "Our church staff goes into the community and delivers hot meals to the shut-in's. Our pastor loves people but first of all HE loves JESUS!!! He preaches with fire from the Holy Spirit and He prayes constantly for the lost. Not just in our community but around the world. We go on Mission Fields to plant churches and he goes to Honduras on leadership trips throughout the year. Lecia his wife can sign like an angel, his whole family is dedicated to winning the lost to Christ. I love my pastor and his family."
You can learn more about Grove Level Baptist by visiting their website.
Click here to nominate your church to be the next WRAF Church of the Week!
Selasa, 31 Maret 2009
Minggu, 29 Maret 2009
Redeeming Love Center For Women Ministries

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to bring good news to the afflicted. He has sent me to bind up and heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners. To grant consolation and joy to those who grieve in Zion; giving them a crown of beauty instead of mourning, and the garment of praise instead of despair. Isaiah 61:1, 3
The Redeeming Love Center for Women’s Ministries will be opening in Toccoa as soon as our building is refurbished and ready.
We will be an arm of the International Centers for Women’s Ministries with headquarters in Bloomington, Indiana. We will be a sister center to 20 some other centers spread throughout the U.S. and the world.
The purpose of these centers is to create a welcoming environment for all women, where non-judgmental listening, sharing, encouragement and prayer support is provided for the healing of the spirit and the emotions. The welfare of our children, our families, our homes, and our community, depend greatly on the influence and the nurturing of spiritually mature and emotionally healthy women. Whether they are wives, or moms, or employees, or business professionals, all women are unique creations with unique issues and needs. There are women in homes, the corporate world, the church pew, and many other pleasant looking places in our community that are dealing with inner struggles and deep things in their lives and don’t know what to do or where to go for help. The Redeeming Love Center will provide total confidentiality and an objective, nurturing atmosphere which makes it a safe place to deal with many issues that women from all walks of life face within our world today.
The center is a free, non-profit, inter-denominational ministry for women (ages 13 and up) helping clients focus on emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. We believe that in any brokenness we can come to know the love of God through Jesus. We can experience emotional and spiritual healing and wholeness because He lives.
When we officially open our ministry, we will be providing a lounge, library, meditation chapel, group support conference room, and individual counseling rooms for one-on-one peer support counseling with trained volunteers who have “been where you are.”
Although we are not officially open at this time, if you have a need, concern, or question about this ministry, please feel free to call Cindy at 706-491-2278.
Study on effects of red meat

Mar 24, 12:15 AM EDT
Study: Lots of red meat increases mortality risk
AP Medical Writer
CHICAGO (AP) -- The largest study of its kind finds that older Americans who eat large amounts of red meat and processed meats face a greater risk of death from heart disease and cancer. The federal study of more than half a million men and women bolsters prior evidence of the health risks of diets laden with red meat like hamburger and processed meats like hot dogs, bacon and cold cuts.
Calling the increased risk modest, lead author Rashmi Sinha of the National Cancer Institute said the findings support the advice of several health groups to limit red and processed meat intake to decrease cancer risk.
The findings appear in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine.
Over 10 years, eating the equivalent of a quarter-pound hamburger daily gave men in the study a 22 percent higher risk of dying of cancer and a 27 percent higher risk of dying of heart disease. That's compared to those who ate the least red meat, just 5 ounces per week.
Women who ate large amounts of red meat had a 20 percent higher risk of dying of cancer and a 50 percent higher risk of dying of heart disease than women who ate less.
For processed meats, the increased risks for large quantities were slightly lower overall than for red meat. The researchers compared deaths in the people with the highest intakes to deaths in people with the lowest to calculate the increased risk.
People whose diets contained more white meat like chicken and fish had lower risks of death.
The researchers surveyed more than 545,000 people, ages 50 to 71 years old, on their eating habits, then followed them for 10 years. There were more than 70,000 deaths during that time.
Study subjects were recruited from AARP members, a group that's healthier than other similarly aged Americans. That means the findings may not apply to all groups, Sinha said. The study relied on people's memory of what they ate, which can be faulty.
In the analysis, the researchers took into account other risk factors such as smoking, family history of cancer and high body mass index.
In an accompanying editorial, Barry Popkin, director of the Interdisciplinary Obesity Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, wrote that reducing meat intake would have benefits beyond improved health.
Livestock increase greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming, he wrote, and nations should reevaluate farm subsidies that distort prices and encourage meat-based diets.
"We've promoted a diet that has added excessively to global warming," Popkin said in an interview.
Successfully shifting away from red meat can be as easy as increasing fruits and vegetables in the diet, said Elisabetta Politi of the Duke Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, N.C.
"I'm not saying everybody should turn into vegetarians," Politi said. "Meat should be a supporting actor on the plate, not the main character."
The National Pork Board and National Cattlemen's Beef Association questioned the findings.
Dietitian Ceci Snyder said in a statement for the pork board that the study "attempts to indict all red meat consumption by looking at extremes in meat consumption, as opposed to what most Americans eat."
Lean meat as part of a balanced diet can prevent chronic disease, along with exercise and avoiding smoking, said Shalene McNeill, dietitian for the beef group.
Grilled tilapia fillets on cedar planks

Ingredients: 2 pounds tilapia fillets
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
juice of 1 lemon
juice of 1 lime
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. savory
1 tsp. red pepper flakes
1 tsp. sea salt
1 cedar plank
Directions: Soak cedar plank in water overnight. Drain plank and drizzle with olive oil. Set aside.
Next, combine all of the ingredients except fish together in bowl. Mix them well until the salt dissolves. Place tilapia filets in a sealable plastic bag in a glass dish and cover the fillets with marinade. Turn bag over once or twice to coat both sides during a 30-minute marinating period.
Preheat your barbecue grill to high. Pour marinade into a saucepan and bring to a boil, boiling for 12 minutes, then cool to use as baste.
Grill tilapia fillets on oiled cedar plank in the center of the grill over high heat for about 17-20 minutes or until the fish flakes easily and has an even appearance all the way through. Baste once or twice with the sauce.
The board will probably smolder and smoke, that's what is supposed to happen. If it catches fire douse it with a sprayer filled with water.
Remove the whole plank from the barbecue and place on serving tray over hot pads on the table for a superb presentation.
Serve fillets directly from the charred plank, with small bowl of sauce on the side, garnished with lemon and lime slices.
Selasa, 24 Maret 2009
MercyMe Celebrates 10 Years

It’s been 10 years since MercyMe frontman Bart Millard penned “I Can Only Imagine,” a touchingly personal song about his father’s early death that catapulted the group to nothing short of superstardom. The down-to-earth Texas-based band’s breakthrough hit would sell almost 3 million copies, race up the radio charts, and be adopted as an anthem by hurting people around the world. In a testament to “I Can Only Imagine’s” timelessness, it remains a favorite on radio playlists nationwide today.
To mark this epic anniversary, and to celebrate one of the most powerful songs and popular groups in Christian music history, MercyMe is releasing “10,” on April 7th. “10” is a new CD/DVD set that showcases twelve number one singles and videos that span MercyMe’s career.
The “10” audio CD features hits from all of their previous albums, plus three bonus tracks including a new recording of “I Can Only Imagine” with the famed London Symphony Orchestra. The companion DVD brings the music to life, featuring a diverse mix of videos that showcase how the band’s music has won hearts in local venues and around the world. The fans can also view an inside glimpse of the story behind “I Can Only Imagine” and get up close and personal with the band through their appearance on Gospel Music Channel’s “Faith & Fame” feature.
For listeners who first met MercyMe through the story of Millard’s father, which inspired “I Can Only Imagine,” “10” will be a musical marker of a career that has changed lives and continues to inspire. For others, it may be an introduction to a group that has scaled great heights and yet remains firmly grounded by their faith and their families.
MercyMe is also offering a special edition, exclusive pre-sale for fans. To learn more, visit:
Senin, 23 Maret 2009
Antenna Update

Great news to pass along… I’ve just ordered our new broadcast antenna.
What a testimony to God’s faithfulness to see so many people rally around this critical need. If you ever wondered if your giving to WRAF really makes a difference I can show you all the letters that came with antenna gifts letting us know how God uses WRAF on a daily basis and how many listeners would not want to be without the hope and encouragement of Toccoa Falls Radio.
Please pray for several key things as we move forward:
First, that everyone who committed to helping will be able to fulfill their contribution;
Next, that the current antenna will continue to function while the new one is being built;
And finally, that the building, shipping, and installation of the new antenna will go faster than the projected 8-10 weeks.
I don’t know what else to say other than Praise the Lord Jesus and thank you for showing incredible love to WRAF. You are the best!
WRAF Church of the Week - March 23, 2009

Carolyn nominated the church and says, "The people of Comer Baptist Church are very friendly and welcoming. They don't form cliques but absorb newcomers into their fellowship. They reach out to the community through Food For The Hungry, children's and teen's ministries. They minister to the elderly and shut-ins. They have an upcoming evangelistic series of meetings at the fairgrounds with evangelists who give strength exhibitions. Comer Baptist Church really cares about people and meeting their needs.
You can learn more about Comer Baptish Church by visiting their website.
Minggu, 22 Maret 2009
More evidence links diabetes to Alzheimer's risk
as mentioned by Kathy Nicholson on Sunday March 22, 2009
More evidence links diabetes to Alzheimer's risk
AP Medical Writer
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WASHINGTON (AP) -- You've heard that diabetes hurts your heart, your eyes, your kidneys. New research indicates a more ominous link: That diabetes increases the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease and may speed dementia once it strikes.
Doctors long suspected diabetes damaged blood vessels that supply the brain. It now seems even more insidious, that the damage may start before someone is diagnosed with full-blown diabetes, back when the body is gradually losing its ability to regulate blood sugar.
In fact, the lines are blurring between what specialists call "vascular dementia" and scarier classic Alzheimer's disease. Whatever it's labeled, there's reason enough to safeguard your brain by fighting diabetes and heart-related risks.
"Right now we can't do much about the Alzheimer's disease pathology," those sticky plaques that clog patients' brains, says Dr. Yaakov Stern, an Alzheimer's specialist at Columbia University Medical Center. But, "if you could control these vascular conditions, you might slow the course of the disease."
The link has staggering societal implications: More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's, and cases already are projected to skyrocket in the next two decades as the population ages. The question is how much the simultaneous obesity-fueled epidemic of Type 2 diabetes may worsen that toll.
There are about 18 million Type 2 diabetics who are considered to have at least two to three times a non-diabetic's risk of developing Alzheimer's. Still, Type 2 diabetes often leads to heart disease and other conditions that kill before Alzheimer's typically strikes, in the 70s.
Don't panic if you're diabetic, stresses Dr. Ralph Nixon of New York University, vice chairman of the Alzheimer's Association's scientific advisory council. Genetics still are the prime risk factor for dementia.
"It by no means means that you're going to develop Alzheimer's disease, and certainly many people with Alzheimer's don't have diabetes," he cautions.
But the latest research strengthens the link, and has scientists asking if diabetes and its related "metabolic syndrome" increase risk solely by spurring brain changes that underlie Alzheimer's - or if they add an extra layer of injury to an already struggling brain, what Nixon calls "essentially a two-hit situation."
Among the findings:
-Brain functioning subtly slows as Type 2 diabetics' blood-sugar rises, well before people have any obvious memory problems.
In a major national study, doctors gave a battery of cognitive tests to nearly 3,000 diabetics. Every 1 percentage point increase in their A1C score - an average of glucose control over a few months - meant small but meaningful drops in memory, the ability to multitask, and other cognitive tasks, Wake Forest University scientists wrote last month in the journal Diabetes Care.
The government-funded study is testing whether better treatment to lower those A1C scores in turn improves brain function.
-At Columbia, Stern is co-directing a powerful study: Hundreds of aging New York City residents agreed to regular testing while they were still healthy, allowing scientists to catch the earliest signs of dementia. Stern tracked yearly changes in 156 who developed Alzheimer's, and found that those who had a history of diabetes and high cholesterol worsened faster, he reports this month in a special issue of Archives of Neurology dedicated to the link.
-Type 2 diabetes occurs as a result of insulin resistance, as the body gradually loses sensitivity to this hormone that's essential for turning blood sugar into energy. A similar effect in the brain helps explain the dementia link, Dr. Suzanne Craft of the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System concludes in a research review also published in that journal. Insulin influences memory in a variety of ways, and an insulin-resistant body in turn affects brain cells' insulin-related activity.
Other factors - such as brain inflammation and cell-damaging oxidative stress - may play a role, too. But clearly more affected is a silent dysfunction of glucose control, not something that suddenly begins after diabetes is diagnosed.
"You want to think of it more as a continuum than just whether or not you have diabetes," Stern says.
While scientists sort out exactly what's going on, the research does point to some common-sense protections: If you have diabetes, closely follow your doctor's advice for controlling it. Try to lower high cholesterol and blood pressure that can harm the brain's blood supply and exacerbate memory problems.
And if you're still healthy, Nixon advises "hedging your bets against Alzheimer's" with the same steps that help prevent both diabetes and heart disease - a good diet and plenty of exercise.
More evidence links diabetes to Alzheimer's risk
AP Medical Writer
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Your Questions Answered
Ask AP: Peanut butter recall, voter fraud
Peanut Corp. of America's bankruptcy petition
Blakely peanut plant inspection report for 2008
Blakely peanut plant inspection reports 2006-2007
Poison Produce: Food-Borne Illnesses
Interactive Look at Salmonella
WASHINGTON (AP) -- You've heard that diabetes hurts your heart, your eyes, your kidneys. New research indicates a more ominous link: That diabetes increases the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease and may speed dementia once it strikes.
Doctors long suspected diabetes damaged blood vessels that supply the brain. It now seems even more insidious, that the damage may start before someone is diagnosed with full-blown diabetes, back when the body is gradually losing its ability to regulate blood sugar.
In fact, the lines are blurring between what specialists call "vascular dementia" and scarier classic Alzheimer's disease. Whatever it's labeled, there's reason enough to safeguard your brain by fighting diabetes and heart-related risks.
"Right now we can't do much about the Alzheimer's disease pathology," those sticky plaques that clog patients' brains, says Dr. Yaakov Stern, an Alzheimer's specialist at Columbia University Medical Center. But, "if you could control these vascular conditions, you might slow the course of the disease."
The link has staggering societal implications: More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's, and cases already are projected to skyrocket in the next two decades as the population ages. The question is how much the simultaneous obesity-fueled epidemic of Type 2 diabetes may worsen that toll.
There are about 18 million Type 2 diabetics who are considered to have at least two to three times a non-diabetic's risk of developing Alzheimer's. Still, Type 2 diabetes often leads to heart disease and other conditions that kill before Alzheimer's typically strikes, in the 70s.
Don't panic if you're diabetic, stresses Dr. Ralph Nixon of New York University, vice chairman of the Alzheimer's Association's scientific advisory council. Genetics still are the prime risk factor for dementia.
"It by no means means that you're going to develop Alzheimer's disease, and certainly many people with Alzheimer's don't have diabetes," he cautions.
But the latest research strengthens the link, and has scientists asking if diabetes and its related "metabolic syndrome" increase risk solely by spurring brain changes that underlie Alzheimer's - or if they add an extra layer of injury to an already struggling brain, what Nixon calls "essentially a two-hit situation."
Among the findings:
-Brain functioning subtly slows as Type 2 diabetics' blood-sugar rises, well before people have any obvious memory problems.
In a major national study, doctors gave a battery of cognitive tests to nearly 3,000 diabetics. Every 1 percentage point increase in their A1C score - an average of glucose control over a few months - meant small but meaningful drops in memory, the ability to multitask, and other cognitive tasks, Wake Forest University scientists wrote last month in the journal Diabetes Care.
The government-funded study is testing whether better treatment to lower those A1C scores in turn improves brain function.
-At Columbia, Stern is co-directing a powerful study: Hundreds of aging New York City residents agreed to regular testing while they were still healthy, allowing scientists to catch the earliest signs of dementia. Stern tracked yearly changes in 156 who developed Alzheimer's, and found that those who had a history of diabetes and high cholesterol worsened faster, he reports this month in a special issue of Archives of Neurology dedicated to the link.
-Type 2 diabetes occurs as a result of insulin resistance, as the body gradually loses sensitivity to this hormone that's essential for turning blood sugar into energy. A similar effect in the brain helps explain the dementia link, Dr. Suzanne Craft of the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System concludes in a research review also published in that journal. Insulin influences memory in a variety of ways, and an insulin-resistant body in turn affects brain cells' insulin-related activity.
Other factors - such as brain inflammation and cell-damaging oxidative stress - may play a role, too. But clearly more affected is a silent dysfunction of glucose control, not something that suddenly begins after diabetes is diagnosed.
"You want to think of it more as a continuum than just whether or not you have diabetes," Stern says.
While scientists sort out exactly what's going on, the research does point to some common-sense protections: If you have diabetes, closely follow your doctor's advice for controlling it. Try to lower high cholesterol and blood pressure that can harm the brain's blood supply and exacerbate memory problems.
And if you're still healthy, Nixon advises "hedging your bets against Alzheimer's" with the same steps that help prevent both diabetes and heart disease - a good diet and plenty of exercise.
Barbeque Bacon Chicken

Hands on time: Total time: 30 minutes Serves: 4
1 (1 1/2-pound) package boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 strips thin bacon, cut in half
9 ounces ( 1/2 bottle) honey barbecue sauce (or your favorite flavor)
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with foil. Sprinkle chicken breasts with pepper to taste. Place 2 bacon strip halves horizontally to cover chicken breasts. Top with barbecue sauce and fold foil over to make a packet. Bake for 20 minutes, or until chicken is just done. Increase heat to broil. Open foil and broil until bacon crisps, 1 to 2 minutes. Top with cheese. Put back in oven and cook 1 to 2 minutes, or until cheese melts.
Per serving: 420 calories (percent of calories from fat, 34), 43 grams protein, 26 grams carbohydrates, no fiber, 16 grams fat, 128 milligrams cholesterol, 952 milligrams sodium.
Frugal Ways to Use Coffee Filters

`As a food holder. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers tacos, cookies and other messy foods.
`As a Popsicle drip catcher. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.
`As a sewing backing. Use a filter as an easy-to-tear backing for embroidering or appliqueing soft fabrics.
`As a cover: Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave.
`As a lint free windows and mirrors cleaner.
`To protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust.
`As a shoe polish applier. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter to polish shoes.
`To recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.
`To line flowerpots Put a filter inside the pot to stop soil from leaking through the drainage holes on the bottom.
`To weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.
`To soak grease: Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc on them.
Jumat, 20 Maret 2009
The New Music Spotlight - March 21, 2009
Links to this week's featured artists:
Ricard Sanchez and Free Chapel - "Very Same Power"
Mollye Rees - "Morning Always Comes"
Michael W. Smith - "Deep in Love with You"
Matt Brouwer - "Come Back Around"
Marie Barlow Martin - "Ode #40 (Sing Allelu)
Michael Card - "Only His Wounds"
John Mandeville - "Glorify"
Ricard Sanchez and Free Chapel - "Very Same Power"
Mollye Rees - "Morning Always Comes"
Michael W. Smith - "Deep in Love with You"
Matt Brouwer - "Come Back Around"
Marie Barlow Martin - "Ode #40 (Sing Allelu)
Michael Card - "Only His Wounds"
John Mandeville - "Glorify"
Rabu, 18 Maret 2009
Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
Nacoochee Valley Farm Old Time Farm Field Days
March 27 - 28 CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN! Check back for possible new Spring date.
You are invited to a free family farm field day with horses, mules, oxen, performing farm field work. Free horse drawn shuttles all over farm to observe arts, crafts, and historical farming demonstrations. A great and cheerful free event for families to enjoy. Focus is on family farming in the mid 1900s.

Friday, March 27 and Saturday March 28, 2009 from 10:00 am -6:00 pm.
Free parking and free horse drawn shuttles all day long.
Arts, pottery, early American log cabin tour, bluegrass music, and barbecue vendor on site.
1304 Hwy 17 Sautee, Georgia 30571

Located 1.3 miles from historic Sautee Indian Mound.
You are invited to a free family farm field day with horses, mules, oxen, performing farm field work. Free horse drawn shuttles all over farm to observe arts, crafts, and historical farming demonstrations. A great and cheerful free event for families to enjoy. Focus is on family farming in the mid 1900s.

Friday, March 27 and Saturday March 28, 2009 from 10:00 am -6:00 pm.
Free parking and free horse drawn shuttles all day long.
Arts, pottery, early American log cabin tour, bluegrass music, and barbecue vendor on site.
1304 Hwy 17 Sautee, Georgia 30571

Located 1.3 miles from historic Sautee Indian Mound.
Senin, 16 Maret 2009
WRAF Church of the Week - March 16, 2009

Eva nominated the church and says, "Antioch is a church where God loves people through people. One of our outreach ministries in corporation with another church is Food For The Hungry program,where we not only give away food but share the good news of Jesus Christ,every 3rd. Thursday from 10am until 2 pm."
You can learn more about Antioch Baptish Church by visiting their website.
Antenna Update

We are blown away by your generosity. To date we have heard from 502 people who have committed $75,902.20 towards the new antenna. As soon as more of the promised funds arrive, we will be purchasing the new antenna. Pray that those who committed to give will be able to fulfill their promise quickly.
Here are a few more of the kind comments we have received:
"I love your station and wish it would extend all the way to Atlanta. Praise the Lord, I can get it in Auburn. I'm praying for you to reach the goal. In Jesus' name Amen The check for $100.00 is in the mail. God bless you all."
"This gift is from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Mom and Dad enjoyed your radio broadcast for many years -- they're home now. They have passed on the tradition to their children, grand children, and with God's will their great grand children. May God use this gift for the winning of souls to the glory of God."
"Here is my check for $175. $100 for the antenna fund. $75 for my monthly pledge. Thank you for always being there. I feel like I know you all, even though I've only met a few of you over the years. I pray for you daily."
If you would like to donate to this project right now click here.
Jumat, 13 Maret 2009
Comments About The Antenna-thon

Here are a few of the comments we've received from WRAF listeners:
"Praise God for WRAF listeners who stand by their FAVORITE RADIO STATION!"
"I was so proud of the WRAF team yesterday. It was encouraging seeing everyone work together so smoothly. I wish I could have listened all day and night, but life kept interrupting. Specifically speaking, Debbie, Lillian, and Marty were so awesome! I especially loved it when Lil was talking on the air about the numerous repairs Marty had done for her referring to his keen technical and engineering abilities....then she said - - "guess I break a lot of things around here" then without missing a step she said "but I NOT responsible for the antenna tearing up." I had to slow down to see between the chuckles on my way home. Debbie had such a professional approach that kept the focus of the day right on track.
Then last night on my way home from a meeting I tuned in to find how gracious Maggie was with the callers who were having trouble getting a real person to answer. Her voice was so kind-hearted. Her positive outlook was contagious. Paul had a childlike enthusiasm that came across so energetic! Mike and Bryan, what can I say - - - a couple of gifted and sometimes goofy guys full of confidence and unafraid of revealing their hearts to the listeners, and also willing to exercise their funny bone when needed.
While I know there were others who contributed greatly to yesterday's success, I heard enough to clearly understand the WRAF team knows what they are doing is more than 'just a job.' I'm honored to be a part of this kind of ministry. Way to Go everyone!"
"Praise God for WRAF listeners who stand by their FAVORITE RADIO STATION!"
"I was so proud of the WRAF team yesterday. It was encouraging seeing everyone work together so smoothly. I wish I could have listened all day and night, but life kept interrupting. Specifically speaking, Debbie, Lillian, and Marty were so awesome! I especially loved it when Lil was talking on the air about the numerous repairs Marty had done for her referring to his keen technical and engineering abilities....then she said - - "guess I break a lot of things around here" then without missing a step she said "but I NOT responsible for the antenna tearing up." I had to slow down to see between the chuckles on my way home. Debbie had such a professional approach that kept the focus of the day right on track.
Then last night on my way home from a meeting I tuned in to find how gracious Maggie was with the callers who were having trouble getting a real person to answer. Her voice was so kind-hearted. Her positive outlook was contagious. Paul had a childlike enthusiasm that came across so energetic! Mike and Bryan, what can I say - - - a couple of gifted and sometimes goofy guys full of confidence and unafraid of revealing their hearts to the listeners, and also willing to exercise their funny bone when needed.
While I know there were others who contributed greatly to yesterday's success, I heard enough to clearly understand the WRAF team knows what they are doing is more than 'just a job.' I'm honored to be a part of this kind of ministry. Way to Go everyone!"
"I thank God that you guys will not back down when the Holy Spirit shows you what he wants to do with WRAF. Keep on doing God's will, not man's."
Kamis, 12 Maret 2009
Road Home Show Notes - March 12, 2009
197 words that can kill a resume (and the HR person reading it)... as heard on the Road Home with Steve Gimbert.
Rabu, 11 Maret 2009
Antenna Update

In an effort to raise financial assistance in purchasing a new antenna, the listeners of community-funded Toccoa Falls Radio-WRAF-FM contributed over $60,000 on Tuesday, March 10, showing their support of their favorite station.
About two weeks ago, WRAF chief engineer, Marty Lee, had received a number of phone calls from listeners complaining of being unable to hear WRAF-FM. Upon investigating the problem, two holes were found in the station’s antenna. The holes were patched but the manufacturer of the antenna informed station management that patches was just a “band-aid” to a much larger problem.
The current antenna is over 25 years old and well past its life expectancy. After discussions with Toccoa Falls College administration and the staff of WRAF-FM, it was decided to replace the antenna. A new antenna is estimated to cost between $70,000 and $80,000 which includes fabrication, delivery, taking down the old antenna and installing the new one.
The staff of community-funded WRAF-FM decided to approach their listeners with the need and ask to stand with them. Station Manager, Bryan Race, said, “I was very happy with the response from our listeners. We did not know how they would respond or how much money would be contributed. WRAF has the best listeners!”
Only $20,000 is needed to complete this project and contributions are still being accepted. If you would like to contribute toward the purchase of the new antenna please send your gift to:
About two weeks ago, WRAF chief engineer, Marty Lee, had received a number of phone calls from listeners complaining of being unable to hear WRAF-FM. Upon investigating the problem, two holes were found in the station’s antenna. The holes were patched but the manufacturer of the antenna informed station management that patches was just a “band-aid” to a much larger problem.
The current antenna is over 25 years old and well past its life expectancy. After discussions with Toccoa Falls College administration and the staff of WRAF-FM, it was decided to replace the antenna. A new antenna is estimated to cost between $70,000 and $80,000 which includes fabrication, delivery, taking down the old antenna and installing the new one.
The staff of community-funded WRAF-FM decided to approach their listeners with the need and ask to stand with them. Station Manager, Bryan Race, said, “I was very happy with the response from our listeners. We did not know how they would respond or how much money would be contributed. WRAF has the best listeners!”
Only $20,000 is needed to complete this project and contributions are still being accepted. If you would like to contribute toward the purchase of the new antenna please send your gift to:
Toccoa Falls Radio-WRAF
P.O. Box 780, Toccoa Falls, GA 30598
When making out a check write “antenna” in the memo line.
You can also contribute on-line at or by calling 800-251-8326.
Selasa, 10 Maret 2009
Antenna Update
At 6:50 PM we are very close to $50,000. The outpouring of support today has been wonderful. If you haven't helped yet but would like to - click here.
Video From The Antenna Fundraiser
Debbie, Steve, and Marty on WRAF during the fundraiser for the new antenna
Antenna Update
As Lillian Cash hits the air in the noon hour we have received commitments of just over $27,000. Let us know how you can help.
Antenna Fundraiser Update
We are now at $10,300. The response so far has been incredible! If you can help click here.
Antenna Fundraiser Has Begun
We are now taking phone calls at 800-251-8326. Let us know if you can make a one-time gift to help us buy a new antenna. We've already received $1,315. Here's the link if you wish to contribute now with a debit or credit card.
Thanks to:
Jerry, New Franklin Christian Church, Charlotte, David, Robbie, Joseph, Kay, Barbara, Cathy, Emily, and Larry.
Thanks to:
Jerry, New Franklin Christian Church, Charlotte, David, Robbie, Joseph, Kay, Barbara, Cathy, Emily, and Larry.
Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
Antenna Fundraiser Scheduled For Tuesday

This Tuesday, March 10, 2009, is a big day at WRAF.
We will set aside our regular programming between 6 AM and Midnight in order to raise money for the purchase a new broadcast antenna at 90.9 FM.
Our current antenna is severely damaged and repairing the 25 year old unit offers no guarantees that we will not continue to experience major problems in the short run.
We believe the best option for the future of this ministry is to replace it with a new antenna.
We need your help with a generous one-time gift to WRAF.
Make plans to join us Tuesday and if you are in the financial position to help please let us know.
Thank you for your participation in this vital ministry.
Kamis, 05 Maret 2009
Antenna Update - We Need Your Help!

I’ve got an important update for you on our antenna situation. As we’ve mentioned over the last several days we had to have 2 holes patched in the broadcast antenna for 90.9FM. These patches are only designed to keep water out of the antenna and transmission line. There is still internal damage to the antenna. We have significantly reduced our power to prevent further damage to the antenna or transmitter. Obviously this means there are people who are used to listening to WRAF that can no longer pick us up and that the quality of our signal is less than what you’ve come to expect.
The decision before us is do we attempt to repair the antenna or purchase a brand new one? The estimate to repair it is $20,000-$25,000 and the repairs would begin in about a week. However, we have been informed that there is no guarantee that the repair will solve all of our problems. The antenna is 25 years old and near the end of, if not past, its life expectancy. The manufacturer has made it clear that we could have the same problems 6 months, 1 year or 2 years down the road.
The estimated cost of a new antenna is $70,000-$80,000 and it would take about 6-8 weeks to have it built, shipped, and attached to our tower. With a new antenna we have a stronger, clearer signal and be able to reach back into outlying areas that have not received us well in quite some time.
The repair option is what seems to be best in the short term while the purchase option makes the most sense in the long term. So what do we do?
After praying about what to do and meeting with our staff and the administration of Toccoa Falls College the decision has been made to raise funds to purchase a brand new antenna. This Tuesday we will hold an “on-air” fundraiser and ask you to help by making a special one-time gift.
I know times are tough financially but I also know how God has strategically blessed His people to be in a position to help important ministries like WRAF. Thank you for your partnership and please pray that enough funds will be received to buy the antenna.
The decision before us is do we attempt to repair the antenna or purchase a brand new one? The estimate to repair it is $20,000-$25,000 and the repairs would begin in about a week. However, we have been informed that there is no guarantee that the repair will solve all of our problems. The antenna is 25 years old and near the end of, if not past, its life expectancy. The manufacturer has made it clear that we could have the same problems 6 months, 1 year or 2 years down the road.
The estimated cost of a new antenna is $70,000-$80,000 and it would take about 6-8 weeks to have it built, shipped, and attached to our tower. With a new antenna we have a stronger, clearer signal and be able to reach back into outlying areas that have not received us well in quite some time.
The repair option is what seems to be best in the short term while the purchase option makes the most sense in the long term. So what do we do?
After praying about what to do and meeting with our staff and the administration of Toccoa Falls College the decision has been made to raise funds to purchase a brand new antenna. This Tuesday we will hold an “on-air” fundraiser and ask you to help by making a special one-time gift.
I know times are tough financially but I also know how God has strategically blessed His people to be in a position to help important ministries like WRAF. Thank you for your partnership and please pray that enough funds will be received to buy the antenna.
Rabu, 04 Maret 2009
Selasa, 03 Maret 2009
Antenna Problems at 90.9 FM

Over the last week or so we noticed the quality of our signal originating from 90.9 FM was deteriorating. Our station engineer Marty Lee investigated the situation and diagnosed the problem to be with the station’s antenna. We then called in an expert to determine exactly what was wrong.
Several holes were found in the WRAF antenna. I'll upload the pictures soon. We have contacted the manufacturer and are awaiting a quote on replacement parts. There is also a possibility that, due to the age of the antenna (it’s 25 years old) that the purchase of a new one may be a better solution.
The damage has made it was necessary to reduce our power to 20% until this is resolved. Hopefully, further damage which might take us completely off the air, will be avoided by this step.
As soon as we have more details I’ll pass them along. I am asking you to pray that WRAF will have wisdom to know exactly what to do and that finances will be made available. When costs are known I’ll share that information.
As always, thanks for your willingness to stand with this ministry.
Several holes were found in the WRAF antenna. I'll upload the pictures soon. We have contacted the manufacturer and are awaiting a quote on replacement parts. There is also a possibility that, due to the age of the antenna (it’s 25 years old) that the purchase of a new one may be a better solution.
The damage has made it was necessary to reduce our power to 20% until this is resolved. Hopefully, further damage which might take us completely off the air, will be avoided by this step.
As soon as we have more details I’ll pass them along. I am asking you to pray that WRAF will have wisdom to know exactly what to do and that finances will be made available. When costs are known I’ll share that information.
As always, thanks for your willingness to stand with this ministry.
If you live in an area that can no longer pick up our signal here are the URL’s for our Streaming Audio stations.
Copy and paste them into your audio player or wi – fi radio:
WRAF Windows Media - mms:// (All Music Channel)mms:// (128kbs stream)
mms:// (32kbs stream)
If you have any trouble receiving the live feed, please contact us at radio (at) myfavoritestation (dot) net for assistance.
Senin, 02 Maret 2009
WRAF Church of the Week - March 2, 2009

Glenda nominated the church and says, "Mount Paran sets on a beautiful hill in Atlanta and truly is a 'Church set apart' for the glory of God! Our programs are designed to teach, train and encourage all ages and all peoples! Our motto is: 'Giving the World Hope in Christ!' I am proud to be a part of such an awesome place!"
You can learn more about Mount Paran Church of God by visiting their website at
Minggu, 01 Maret 2009
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