The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to bring good news to the afflicted. He has sent me to bind up and heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners. To grant consolation and joy to those who grieve in Zion; giving them a crown of beauty instead of mourning, and the garment of praise instead of despair. Isaiah 61:1, 3
The Redeeming Love Center for Women’s Ministries will be opening in Toccoa as soon as our building is refurbished and ready.
We will be an arm of the International Centers for Women’s Ministries with headquarters in Bloomington, Indiana. We will be a sister center to 20 some other centers spread throughout the U.S. and the world.
The purpose of these centers is to create a welcoming environment for all women, where non-judgmental listening, sharing, encouragement and prayer support is provided for the healing of the spirit and the emotions. The welfare of our children, our families, our homes, and our community, depend greatly on the influence and the nurturing of spiritually mature and emotionally healthy women. Whether they are wives, or moms, or employees, or business professionals, all women are unique creations with unique issues and needs. There are women in homes, the corporate world, the church pew, and many other pleasant looking places in our community that are dealing with inner struggles and deep things in their lives and don’t know what to do or where to go for help. The Redeeming Love Center will provide total confidentiality and an objective, nurturing atmosphere which makes it a safe place to deal with many issues that women from all walks of life face within our world today.
The center is a free, non-profit, inter-denominational ministry for women (ages 13 and up) helping clients focus on emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. We believe that in any brokenness we can come to know the love of God through Jesus. We can experience emotional and spiritual healing and wholeness because He lives.
When we officially open our ministry, we will be providing a lounge, library, meditation chapel, group support conference room, and individual counseling rooms for one-on-one peer support counseling with trained volunteers who have “been where you are.”
Although we are not officially open at this time, if you have a need, concern, or question about this ministry, please feel free to call Cindy at 706-491-2278.
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